
Pastor Bob Walker Jr

Pastor Buddy Walker felt a call to international missions at age 16 and made his first short-term mission trip to Mexico at age 19. He graduated from the Spanish Language School of Guadalajara, Mexico and received his theological training from the El Calvario International Bible College in Guatemala, C.A. He has served with numerous international disaster relief efforts, coordinated international mission teams and developed broad based partnerships for advocating sustainable community development with local government, churches, business leaders, educators and non-profit organizations. Buddy later began working with an agricultural consulting firm and received training in soil science and plant nutrition. He built and operated a wholesale nursery and has developed three micro-intensive farms and a community garden project. In 2012, Buddy started the Empower School & Farm, a residential educational and apprenticeship program located in Umatilla, Florida, which provides training in Christian discipleship, micro-enterprise, sustainable agriculture, community development and world missions.

Dr. Anupom Ganguli

Dr. Anupom Ganguli holds a bachelor's degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, and a master's degree from the University of Windsor, Canada. He received a Ph.D. from Northwestern University, USA, and is a retired environmental professional. He served for over 33 years in air quality management and engineering research and development. His professional career includes serving as a senior executive in the local government organization responsible for clean air in Southern California, and as a research engineer. He has received several commendations from government and trade organizations. Dr. Ganguli taught a multi-discipline course on climate change at the University of California, Los Angeles, for about ten years. 

Anupom Ganguli first learned about Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba 50 years ago. He is dedicated to the divine mission and currently serves as Director of the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation and Chairman of the SSSIO Media Committee. He is also a Director of the Sathya Sai Society of America and the former Co Chair of the SSSIO Environmental Sustainability Committee. 

"Love express itself as Seva

Love grows through Seva

Love is born in the womb of Seva

And God is Love.”

- Anantapur, 18 Jan 1971